Dear EATAW2019 participants,
Thank you all for making EATAW2019 the exchange of findings and insights and the scholarly conversation, we believe we heard in sessions and during keynotes.
By now, it’s been a few days and we hope you have all arrived at your various post-EATAW2019 destinations. We also hope you have had some time to reflect on, and distance yourselves from, the immediate conference experience. Therefore, we hope you are willing to spend some time with our EATAW2019 evaluation survey:
The keynotes are now on the web ( )
We have received a number of files with material to share from sessions. Most the files are too large for wordpress and will be shared via a cloud service by Tuesday July 9 (on the assumption that most files have come in by then).
There have been a number of requests for a list of participants. We forgot to ask permission for that during registration; we need to look into how to get you that list.
Do have a great summer, and we hope to see you back at Chalmers at some point! Or we meet again at EATAW2021 at least…
Magnus for the EATAW2019-team!
Do you know if WDHE conference is on in 2020?
Hi Rowena,
I don’t I’m afraid. Try the discussion list perhaps?